AIS SIG Advances in Sourcing

Pre-ICIS Event, December 4th 2023

The AIS SIG Advances in Sourcing is inviting you to attend our annual meeting that will be virtual and will take place as PRE-ICIS event, December 4th 2023, 9:00am-12:00pm CET.

We prepared an exciting program for these 3 hours:

9:00am - 9:15am Annual General Meeting 

-       Review of SIG Sourcing activities last 12 months

-       Voting for SIG leadership roles for 2024-2025 

9:15am - 10:45am: Keynote speaker, Thomas Fischer, PhD: "The IS Sourcing Journey of a Swiss Bank - An Insider's Perspective"

9:45am-10:00am: Awards ceremony

10:00am – 12:00pm: paper development workshop

We invite extended abstracts that investigate topics relating to outsourcing, offshoring, crowdsourcing and platforms. In particular, the workshop will endeavor to present the views from client, supplier, platform owner, platform complementors and advisory, from strategic, operational and social perspectives. Some of the specific themes that are of interest in this workshop are:


       Sourcing decision making
       Sourcing configurations (multi-sourcing etc.)
       Supplier and client capabilities and competences
       Contractual and relational governance
       Sourcing eco-systems
       Impact sourcing
       Cloud services
       Digital platforms (e.g. role of platforms in sourcing)
       Captive (in-house) and shared service centres
       Innovation in outsourcing/offshoring
       Cultural and social aspects of sourcing practice
       Sustainability and the impact on sourcing 
       ML/AI sourcing services
       Emerging topics and concepts in sourcing not covered above

We are interested in papers that are both conceptual and empirically-based.

 Extended abstract should not exceed 5 pages (double spaced) excluding references

Important Dates

November 15th: Deadline to submit extended abstract to with the title: SIG SOURCING SUBMISSION

November 20th: Accept/reject decisions

December 4th: Workshop

We look forward to your submissions and to see you online December 4th.

On behalf of the SIG Sourcing team.